Our milestones for the last 10 years
2480 students taught in Primary Schools
24355 Middle School students taught conceptual Science
35000 books donated to schools and villages
2035 girls upskilled
Impact of our academic programs
- 567 students have enjoyed learning English and Maths
- They are competent in their textbook level Arithmetic
- Their comfort levels with English have improved greatly
- 4170 students can now understand many of the concepts given in their Science textbooks
- School Principals are very happy that students are learning effectively and easily through our programs
Our goals
“STEPS TO SUCCESS” Primary Schools Program
How we evaluate
- We do a base evaluation at the beginning of every academic year to quantify the learning levels of every student
- And an evaluation at the end of every term to ensure that the learning levels of the students improve progressively
The results of our innovative low cost methods are shown in the strong improvement in academic scores of our students,
Given below are examples of the evaluation charts in the current academic year for each class

Our approach to teaching Science is focused on kindling the interest of the students
How we evaluate
- The interest shown by the students
- Their response to the demos and experiments in each subject
- Increase in experimentation and innovative thinking by the students after our classes
Our Impact
We find a clearcut difference in the attitude and interest level of the students as seen in the impact charts